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Hello World MP3 Song Download: Between Two Worlds

Part Number: HelloWorldMP310BetweenTwoWorlds
Price: $0.99
Status: Available

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The childhood journey is, by design, a magical one. We arrived equipped to maintain a pure connection while we learn to inhabit the physical body. Ideally, the spiritual connection and the child's inner access to the big picture will help smooth out the entry with an understanding of the way they all work so beautifully together. As the child moves into the physical which is complete at age 7, the chakras and the energy systems come online, so to speak, and begin to serve the maintenance of the energy bodies and self-cleaning systems contained in the design. At age 14 the systems and energetic bodies are active and therein begins a 7 year journey back to visit each chakra to assist in clearing it of any residual debris so that the inevitable leaving home that is just around the corner is more fluid and successful.

Incredible design..a well thought out plan. Unfortunately, the human experience with all that free choice available causes diversions, changes, mistakes, stumbles, and fumbles and things just unfold the way they do...actually based on in the now choices of the being.Without much understanding about the way things work and unfold there is added chaos and challenge as the physical hormones activate in the puberty phase that is setting up the arrival of adulthood. So, not only is there chemical soup sending us all over the map, but the chakra system itself is revisiting and pushing out unresolved, unexpressed woundings and words and energy. 

The being is literally between two worlds. There is the memory of the sweetness of the child life before 8 and the call of the what may come as the adult vibration starts to infuse its presence. It is to this topic that I created this song about the limbo between the child and the adult journey. The song is techno before techno was happening. In a minor reflective key. In the Root Chakra key of C the relative minor is A minor, a clear connection between root/foundation and vision center. The song drives through the challenges with a metallic accompaniment that stresses structure and confinement. The chorus lifts out to a major key where we ponder the confusion and wonder what to do. As this "struggle" will last until 21 by design, changing its focus and thematic content yearly, there is no resolution...except for the bridge which celebrates the arrival of the inner voice and wisdom that invites us to be patient and trust this transformation. 

It is a complex song for a complex time. Use it to assist the working through of a time or an issue. It will serve you well. Let your heart be your ever faithful and reliable guide...and all will be well.


I used to run free Not a care in the world
Imagination ran wild
I was a little one
Playing with life Everything was new
I danced with my head in the clouds
I was a little one
With eyes wide open
I would reach for the stars
And cry when I got scared
I felt connected, Oh, I felt alive
I’m now a little bit older
And much farther along
I see through different eyes
I’m not a little one
I have learned what’s cool
And how to stretch the rules
How to act older than I am
Don’t want to be a little one
Facing daily challenges
Like what do I wear
How can I fit in
To be accepted is to feel alive
Here I am
Dancin’ in the middle
I’m in between two worlds
A little child Or an almost grownup
I’m in between two worlds
Why do I have to be One or the other
Why do I have to leave One behind
Why can’t I stay a little one
How can I hold on to the joy
That ran in this child
And still be sufficiently cool
And be a little one
There’s a whole lotta
Good stuff livin in me
How can I use it
Through this life
And feel connected
Accepted and alive
Here I am
Dancin’ in the middle
I’m in between two worlds
A little child
Or an almost  grownup
I’m in between two worlds

       ©1989. Music for Every Soul. All Rights Reserved.


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