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Inner Child Mentoring Complete Four Volume Printed Set

Part Number: ICMCompleteShipped
Price: $50.00
Status: Available
Weight: 4 lb, 0 oz
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Your Inner Child Self holds your eternal history through all of your incarnations'

Set of all four Inner Child Mentoring Manuals and Workbooks printed books shipped at a bundle price.

Includes the following books:

Inner Child Mentoring Foundation Book

Inner Child Mentoring Foundation Workbook

Inner Child Mentoring Applied Book

Inner Child Mentoring Applied Workbook

These are unique books created to inform you about a primary element of your Celestial and human design in order to activate your deep inner knowing of the greater truth of the Whole You. Reawakening the knowledge of the foundational elements will activate your capacity to choose to apply them to your moments of living.
 Doing so will align you with the dimensional flow that is present in this dimension. Thus, you will be able to thrive in your expanded human life.
Wow! Really?! Indeed…and all that is asked of you is that you be open and aware. This works because the whole truth of the eternal you is contained in your personal template that is always present in the energetic bodies along with cell and tissue…in other words, it awaits your call.
These wonderful books are the call…guides that will walk you through the spiraling reclamation and application of your own holy trinity: Inner Child Self, Adult Self, and Higher Self. When this relationship is fully claimed, then you will flow through your moments of living because you are functioning as designed without restriction.
The first book acquaints you with the foundational information and the tools to apply from now on. It develops the trusting relationship between the adult and child selves. It functions by consistent attention and inter-communication. All along there are ongoing applications of tools and techniques that will infuse the frequencies of knowing into the cells and tissues and thoughts and actions of the child self. The companion workbooks will become the essential place where change is activated and monitored and applied. Additionally, the consistent use of the extra tools will provide even greater success in becoming fluid at being the unified you.
The Inner Child Applied book is designed for much deeper work to infuse the concepts and the unwavering trust between all the players: child, adult, and spirit. It will function best when the trust has been established and fed and nourished. Highly recommended to complete the 30 session journey to your inner Celestial Home. Follow the link below to access 4 book bundles as well as learn about details of each book. See also the special opportunity to take the entire mentoring adventure one to one with Mark.
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