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Inner Child Mentoring Workbook PDF Download

Part Number: ICMWorkbookPDFDL
Price: $12.00 $10.00
Status: Available

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This is the companion workbook to the Inner Child Mentoring Foundation Manual. It is essential as it allows you to explore, integrate, and apply the foundational principles of the manual. These exercises will launch and facilitate a growing relationship with your Adult Self, your Inner Child Self, and your Higher Self. Doing so will move you towards a more balanced state where your trust in one another grows enough to allow the Child Self to emerge and reclaim the Eternal Inner Template.

Some Notes About This Workbook

This is the companion workbook for the Inner Child Mentoring Course Block One.
It is to be completed as you move through each session. 
Some of the exercises may invite you to do ongoing entries as you progress. 
There is only so much space for your answer given with each. I invite you to get a couple of notebooks to extend your entries so that you are not limited in responding.
Combining your spoken word by reading back your answers out loud can assist in the energetic clearing of the past and also attract higher frequency energy into your now and beyond.
I am preparing a Word Doc version of this workbook that will allow you to make all entries in that program. Contact me at if you would like details including the link. Please know that the act of writing, not typing, can amplify the nature of the physical clearing.
A separate workbook is available to support your navigation of the 20 session Inner Child Mentoring Applied Course Blocks One and Two. It is available here:
This is a powerful journey you are on. It can and will transform how you do your life. Your capacity to open up to thriving is directly proportional to the amount of “work” you put into it. Thus, put all the effort you can into each exercise. They are triggers and openings to deeper clarification of the whole you. Your focused and consistent efforts will be rewarded by greater flow in your moments of living. Guaranteed.
Thank you for your choice to remember and reclaim the Celestial I Am Template of you in your design frequency. I am blessed to be a resource to serve that magnificent journey home…it is time to leave the past behind…
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