USB Flash Drive Bundles More and more the availability of CD players is diminishing, especially in the latest models of new cars. This change necessitates the use of USB Flash Drives to contain the music. As memory has lowered in cost the size of the drives has increased. I have chosen to create bundles of 5 or more CDs on a single drive. In most cases I have included the CDs that support a theme as an energetic Musical Prescription. When you purchase one you are getting a powerful collection to support you and your vibration on deep and expansive levels.

Listed below are the currently available (January 2020) bundles from which to choose. Ciick on each to access the contents and to purchase for delivery. Downloads are available as a single CD only, not the package.

Musical Prescription Set One: Manifestation

Musical Prescription Set Six: Relationships

Musical Prescription Set Seven: Relaxation/Stress Reduction

Musical Prescription Set: Self Care

Youth Package One

Complete Youth Package Two 

Sound Alchemy Super Bundle

Seasonal Self Care Bundle: Fall

Seasonal Self Care Bundle: Winter

Seasonal Self Care Bundle: Spring

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Part Number: YouthEmpowerOneUSBFlashBundle

Price: $35.00

Youth Empowerment One USB Flash Drive Bundle

Songs that affirm life and support youth of all ages in remembering who they truly are. They are like affirmations that assist in reawakening the gifts that each child holds by design.

Part Number: WinterSelfCareTwoFlashDrive

Price: $70.00 $47.00
Available Now as shipped USB Flash Drive!

Help to integrate the unique Winter energies and create balance within you by further releasing the old and setting intentional energies with this amazing package of sound and informational tools. 5 CDs, 4 Sound Alchemy files, Inspirational PDFs. This is directly applicable self care for your Winter Season. Available as a download or, newly available, in shipped USB Flash Drive. Use it from the Winter Solstice on December 21 through the 20th of March, just before the crossover into Spring. It can be useful to prepare you for the energetics of the Spring Season, which are lighter and more active.
Part Number: 2024LoveRelationshipsBundleUSBFlash

Price: $65.00 $40.00
Part Number: SeasonalSelfCareBundleOneFallUSBFlash

Price: $70.00 $47.00
Available Now as shipped USB Flash Drive!

Help to integrate the unique Autumn energies and create balance within you by releasing all that has been held energetically throughout your year with this amazing package of sound and informational tools. 5 CDs, 4 Sound Alchemy files, Inspirational PDFs. This is directly applicable self care for your Fall Season. Available as a download or, newly available, in shipped USB Flash Drive. Use it from the Autumnal Equinox on September 23 through the 20th of December, just before the crossover into Winter. It can be useful to prepare you for the energetics of the Winter Season, which are deeper and different. 
Part Number: SeasonalSelfCareBundleSummerFlashDrive

Price: $70.00 $47.00
Help to integrate the unique Summer energies and create balance within you by activating expressive outward flowing action throughout your year with this amazing package of sound and informational tools. 5 CDs, 4 Sound Alchemy files, Inspirational PDFs. This is directly applicable self care for your Summer Season. Available as a download or, newly available, in shipped USB Flash Drive 
Part Number: SeasonalSelfCareBundleSpringFlashDrive

Price: $70.00 $47.00
Help to integrate the unique Spring energies and create balance within you by launching your intention with this amazing package of sound and informational tools. 5 CDs, 4 Sound Alchemy files, Inspirational PDFs. This is directly applicable self care for your Spring Season. Available as a download or, newly available, in shipped USB Flash Drive.
Part Number: YouthEmpB2Resource

Price: $97.00
Package Two: Youth Empowerment Resource Pack
14 MP3 CDs and 2 Songbooks with Reference USB MP3 CDs for $97
Part Number: MP5CDFlashBundle1Manifest

Price: $35.00

Musical Prescription Set 1: Manifestation USB Flash Drive Bundle

To assist you in creating the kind of year and life you desire and deserve by clearing up and expanding your understanding and application of Abundance and Manifestation principles

Heart's Desire, Puttin' My Talent to Work, Building My Field of Dreams,

Wake Up, There’s Plenty for All

Part Number: MPThemeSelfCareUSBFlashDriveBundle

Price: $35.00

Musical Prescription Theme Set: Self Care USB Flash Drive Bundle

To assist you in taking good energetic care of your whole self

Part Number: MPThemeUSBFLASHBundle6Relationships

Price: $35.00

Musical Prescription Theme Set 6: Relationships USB Flash Drive Bundle

To assist you in creating loving and empowering connections with all of life

Part Number: MPTheme7USBFlashRelax

Price: $35.00

Musical Prescription Set 7: Relaxation/Stress Reduction USB Flash Drive Bundle

To assist you in clearing the energetic debris to reduce stress and allow you to access the flow of life from one moment to the next.