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Part Number: ICMFlashResourceKit

Price: $75.00 $47.00
Inner Child Mentoring Resource Kit on a USB Flash Drive...shipped
Part Number: VMCBundle3SoundAlchemyGift

Price: $180.00 $100.00
A Very Merry Christmas Download Bundle Three.  You are giving the caring and powerful gift of all 18 of Mark's Sound Alchemy Series CDs to the recipient. Go to the Bundle page for some particulars to insure that they receive it promptly.

Part Number: VMC2ThemeCDGift

Price: $290.00 $110.00
A Very Merry Christmas Download Bundle Two.  You are giving the caring and powerful gift of all 29 of Mark's Theme Series CDs to the recipient. Go to the Bundle page for some particulars to insure that they receive it promptly.
Part Number: VMCBundle1CoreCDsdownload

Price: $300.00 $120.00
A Very Merry Merry Christmas Download CD Bundle One: All Core Series CDs. 28 CD Downloads of Mark's Core Series Collection. Offer active until March 31, 2025
Part Number: VMCCompleteMarkCDDLGift

Price: $610.00 $200.00
A Very Merry Christmas Download Bundle Four.  You are giving the caring and powerful gift of all 61 of Mark's Complete CDs to the recipient. Go to the Bundle page for some particulars to insure that they receive it promptly.

Part Number: VMC3SoundAlchemyDL

Price: $180.00 $100.00
A Very Merry Christmas Bundle Three: Complete Sound Alchemy CDs Download Bundle. 16 Sound Alchemy CD Downloads at a Christmas price. This offer is active until March 31, 2025.
Part Number: VMC2ThemeSeriesDL

Price: $290.00 $110.00
A Very Merry Merry Christmas Download CD Bundle Three: Complete Theme Series CDs. 29 CD Downloads of Mark's Theme Series Collection. Offer active until March 31, 2025...
Part Number: VMC1CoreCDsDLGift

Price: $300.00 $120.00
A Very Merry Christmas Download Bundle One.  You are giving the caring and powerful gift of all 30 of Mark's Core CDs to the recipient. GO to the Bundle page for some particulars to insure that they receive it promptly.
Part Number: 2024HolidayEnergyBalancePackageShip

Price: $67.00
Creating an energetic balance is foundational to living consciously. The demands of the holiday season in particular can scatter our focus and disrupt our deeper feelings of balance. Our energy gets compromised and we become less connected in body and mind. There are energetic tools that can shift this potential and deliver us back to being solid on the earth, in body. This specially priced holiday package contains 7 tools to help you find your clear place: Solid on the Earth E-Book, Solid on the Earth companion CD, Complete Chakra Clearing CD, Serene Soul CD, Chakra Rhythms CD, Holiday Energy Maintenance Session Call MP3 Recording, and the How-to Article: Cutting Energetic Cords. Put these in motion and you can cruise through whatever the holidays may bring. And, they will serve you far beyond this season in your moments of living as well. Be your higher vibration, order this  powerful and useful download right now. 
Part Number: 2924EnergyBalancePackageDL

Price: $47.00
Creating an energetic balance is foundational to living consciously. The demands of the holiday season in particular can scatter our focus and disrupt our deeper feelings of balance. Our energy gets compromised and we become less connected in body and mind. There are energetic tools that can shift this potential and deliver us back to being solid on the earth, in body. This specially priced holiday package contains 7 tools to help you find your clear place: Solid on the Earth E-Book download, Solid on the Earth companion CD download, Complete Chakra Clearing CD download, Serene Soul CD download, Chakra Rhythms CD download, Holiday Energy Maintenance Session Call MP3 Recording, and the How-to Article: Cutting Energetic Cords. Put these in motion and you can cruise through whatever the holidays may bring. And, they will serve you far beyond this season in your moments of living as well. Be your higher vibration, order this  powerful and useful download right now. 

Also available as shipped package
Part Number: VMC4CompleteCDDL

Price: $610.00 $200.00
A Spirit told me to do it Christmas Sale of the Celestial kind! Download 61 CD titles for the super low price of $ over $400!

This sale goes through March 31, 2025.

This is an incredible collection of conscious music that raises vibration and assists you in finding balance. It will serve you in many ways. Give yourself, or a friend, a Christmas gift that will  serve you from now on in expansive ways. Let the songs massage your energy and assist you in remembering your true self. It is time!
Part Number: 2024HolidayGratitudePackage2DL

Price: $66.00 $35.00

Living and expressing gratitude is a profoundly powerful process that assures ascension and a life of clarity, balance, and multilevel prosperity. Adopting an attitude of gratitude softens the impact of moments and creates an open heart that easily radiates loving empathy, compassion, and peace. Let me provide you with a gratitude process that delivers to you powerful exercises. 

Each exercise has a topic for focus, a narrative and explanation about the topic, a description of the activity, and the specific Words of Gratitude to speak out loud to the Universe. Each book has 52 separate Gratitude exercises that will alter your life in profound ways. Take control of your manifestation of inner peace and purchase Weekly Gratitude today.

Specially priced set of Weekly Gratitudes and More Weekly Gratitudes, over 100 powerful gratitudes that form a curriculum to assist you in establishing a magnetic program of manifesting your inner and outer desires. Also part of the specially priced package is a Healing Voice CD, Spoken Gratitudes.

Part Number: DecemberMP3DLComplete

Price: $9.99 $6.99
Download of Complete Deep December CD as MP3 in zip format

Part Number: 2024HolidaySA3FoundationSuperBDL

Price: $288.00 $167.00
2024 Holiday Special Sound Alchemy Bundle Three: Sound Alchemy Foundation Super Bundle Downloads
Part Number: 2024holidaySABundle2SuperChakraDL

Price: $145.00 $87.00
Sound Alchemy Bundle Two: Super Chakra Clearing Set Downloads only
Part Number: 2024HolidaySABOneShip

Price: $57.00
Chants and mantras have been used for thousands of years to influence the vibration of the current moment, to clear the mind of patterns of thinking, to set a spiritual intention in motion, and to beseech support from a particular deity. Intentional songs have been a recent creation born from the necessity to create short, life affirming positive songs to be sung by groups at Sunday services and retreats and events. Here is a powerful bundle of 6 CDs to allow you to experience the frequency of each genre. 
Part Number: 2024HolidaySABundle1DL

Price: $60.00 $40.00
Chants and mantras have been used for thousands of years to influence the vibration of the current moment, to clear the mind of patterns of thinking, to set a spiritual intention in motion, and to beseech support from a particular deity. Intentional songs have been a recent creation born from the necessity to create short, life affirming positive songs to be sung by groups at Sunday services and retreats and events. Here is a powerful bundle of 6 CDs to allow you to experience the frequency of each genre. 
Part Number: DownloadInstructions

Price: $0.00
Access a description of downloading files for a variety of devices.
Part Number: 2024LoveRelationshipsBookDL

Price: $20.00
Explore a host of ideas, tools, and techniques for expanding the inner and outer reach of Love in your life. This book is a collection of relevant entries for Mark's books, Tools for the Times, Weekly Gratitudes, and Living in DeLight.

Download as a PDF file and MP3 CDs Bundle.

Available also as a shipped book.

Also included in a USB Flash Drive bundle
Part Number: 2024LoveRelationshipsBundleDL

Price: $65.00 $35.00
Book and 3 CD Bundle
This book consists of entries from three books, Living in DeLight, Weekly Gratitudes, and Tools for the Times. Included as a balancing element I have included the lyrics of thirty original songs directly addressing higher order ways to use Love in all forms of relationship.

Included in the bundle are 3 Theme Series CDs, I Am Love, So Connected, and I Must Take Good care of Me.

Available as Pdf download book and MP3 CDs.

Available also as a shipped bundle.

Also available as a shipped Flash Drive with PDF book and MP3 CDs.
Part Number: LivingAsIfBookSet

Price: $80.00 $50.00

My dear friend, you are most assuredly at the most important threshold of this or any incarnation. You are at the supreme point of choice. Stay the same and embrace all that that entails, for better or worse…or make the profound leap of faith where nothing makes sense and the world you have known is turned upside down…

Suppose the gift of all you have ever been through is ready to fall into your lap. Suppose there was a way for it to all make sense. Suppose that you could step out of what has been and reclaim the power of wonder and imagination to explore and experience this world and this life and this I Am Self in ways that you have long forgotten. Suppose you could simply make the choice to live now as if you were already whole…no more journeys of frustration, no more seeking, no more failures, no more pressure to be someone else, better, more this and more that. None of that…just a deep experience of you in a magical kingdom called Earth.

Suppose you could live now as if you were already whole. What might happen? What might your life be like? What might you be? Well….do you want to find out? Are you ready to act as if you have it? Are you ready to start thinking, believing, moving, being in a decidedly higher frequency just to see what will unfold? Intrigued? I bet you are…so let’s get more information because it is time for you to make a decision!

Volumes 1-4 Set shipped

Volumes 1-4 PDF Downloads

Part Number: ICMCompleteShipped

Price: $50.00
Set of all four Inner Child Mentoring Manuals and Workbooks printed books shipped at a bundle price.
Part Number: ICMCompleteUSBFlashBundle

Price: $40.00
Set of all four Inner Child Mentoring Manuals and Workbooks in PDF Format on a shipped USB Flash Drive at a bundle price.
Part Number: ICM4PDFDL

Price: $35.00
Set of all four Inner Child Mentoring Manuals and Workbooks in a downloadable PDF format at a bundle price. 
Part Number: InnerChildMentoringAppliedWorkBook

Price: $19.00
This is the companion workbook to the Inner Child Mentoring Applied Book. It is essential as it allows you to explore, integrate, and apply the foundational principles of the manual. These exercises will launch and facilitate a growing relationship with your Adult Self, your Inner Child Self, and your Higher Self. Doing so will move you towards a more balanced state where your trust in one another grows enough to allow the Child Self to emerge and reclaim the Eternal Inner Template. More cooperative, deeper, revealing, and clearing work are the promise of this manual