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Part Number: ICMWorkbook

Price: $15.00 $13.00
This is the companion workbook to the Inner Child Mentoring Foundation Manual. It is essential as it allows you to explore, integrate, and apply the foundational principles of the manual. These exercises will launch and facilitate a growing relationship with your Adult Self, your Inner Child Self, and your Higher Self. Doing so will move you towards a more balanced state where your trust in one another grows enough to allow the Child Self to emerge and reclaim the Eternal Inner Template.
Part Number: InnerChildMentoringBook

Price: $20.00 $17.00
This is a unique course that is created to inform you about a primary element of your Celestial and human design in order to activate your deep inner knowing of the greater truth of the Whole You. Reawakening the knowledge of the foundational Inner Child elements will activate your capacity to choose to apply them to your moments of living. Doing so will align you with the multi-dimensional flow that is present in this dimension. Thus, you and your Inner Child Self will be able to thrive in your expanded human life.

This information serves as introduction to the higher frequency Inner Child work and provides many exercises to assist you in establishing and maintaining your Adult/Inner Child/Higher Self connection. 

It is the content information from which the companion (recommended) workbook is derived. Together they deliver you to a powerful threshold to enter the deeper work of the additional book, Inner Child Mentoring Applied, and its companion workbook.

Available here as a PDF download.
Part Number: InnerChildMentoringAppliedWorkBook

Price: $19.00
This is the companion workbook to the Inner Child Mentoring Applied Book. It is essential as it allows you to explore, integrate, and apply the foundational principles of the manual. These exercises will launch and facilitate a growing relationship with your Adult Self, your Inner Child Self, and your Higher Self. Doing so will move you towards a more balanced state where your trust in one another grows enough to allow the Child Self to emerge and reclaim the Eternal Inner Template. More cooperative, deeper, revealing, and clearing work are the promise of this manual
Part Number: InnerChildMentoringAppliedBook

Price: $25.00
This is a unique course that is created to inform you about a primary element of your Celestial and human design in order to activate your deep inner knowing of the greater truth of the Whole You. Reawakening the knowledge of the foundational Inner Child elements will activate your capacity to choose to apply them to your moments of living. Doing so will align you with the multi-dimensional flow that is present in this dimension. Thus, you and your Inner Child Self will be able to thrive in your expanded human life.

In this Applied volume each sessions builds upon the foundational knowledge and the trust built through sessions 1-10, to invite and inspire you to enter the places within that hold the patterns and the energetic debris that has steered much of your life up until now.

It is the content information from which the companion (recommended) workbook is derived. Together they deliver you to a powerful threshold to enter the deeper work...for which you are ready...
Part Number: SeasonalSelfCareBundleSpringFlashDrive

Price: $70.00 $47.00
Help to integrate the unique Spring energies and create balance within you by launching your intention with this amazing package of sound and informational tools. 5 CDs, 4 Sound Alchemy files, Inspirational PDFs. This is directly applicable self care for your Spring Season. Available as a download or, newly available, in shipped USB Flash Drive.
Part Number: SeasonalSelfCareSpring

Price: $70.00 $39.00
Help to integrate the unique Spring energies and create balance within you by launching your intention with this amazing package of sound and informational tools. 5 CDs, 4 Sound Alchemy files, Inspirational PDFs. This is directly applicable self care for your Spring Season. Available as a download or, newly available, in shipped USB Flash Drive.
Part Number: ICMCompleteShipped

Price: $50.00
Set of all four Inner Child Mentoring Manuals and Workbooks printed books shipped at a bundle price.
Part Number: ICMCompleteUSBFlashBundle

Price: $40.00
Set of all four Inner Child Mentoring Manuals and Workbooks in PDF Format on a shipped USB Flash Drive at a bundle price.
Part Number: ICM4PDFDL

Price: $35.00
Set of all four Inner Child Mentoring Manuals and Workbooks in a downloadable PDF format at a bundle price. 
Part Number: DownloadInstructions

Price: $0.00
Access a description of downloading files for a variety of devices.
Part Number: 2024LoveRelationshipsBookDL

Price: $20.00
Explore a host of ideas, tools, and techniques for expanding the inner and outer reach of Love in your life. This book is a collection of relevant entries for Mark's books, Tools for the Times, Weekly Gratitudes, and Living in DeLight.

Download as a PDF file and MP3 CDs Bundle.

Available also as a shipped book.

Also included in a USB Flash Drive bundle
Part Number: 2024LoveRelationshipsBundleDL

Price: $65.00 $35.00
Book and 3 CD Bundle
This book consists of entries from three books, Living in DeLight, Weekly Gratitudes, and Tools for the Times. Included as a balancing element I have included the lyrics of thirty original songs directly addressing higher order ways to use Love in all forms of relationship.

Included in the bundle are 3 Theme Series CDs, I Am Love, So Connected, and I Must Take Good care of Me.

Available as Pdf download book and MP3 CDs.

Available also as a shipped bundle.

Also available as a shipped Flash Drive with PDF book and MP3 CDs.
Part Number: DecemberMP3DLComplete

Price: $9.99 $6.99
Download of Complete Deep December CD as MP3 in zip format

Part Number: 1to1personalconcert

Price: $100.00
Secure a One to One Personal Concert by Mark for you by arrangement.
Part Number: VMC2ThemeCDGift

Price: $290.00 $110.00
A Very Merry Christmas Download Bundle Two.  You are giving the caring and powerful gift of all 29 of Mark's Theme Series CDs to the recipient. Go to the Bundle page for some particulars to insure that they receive it promptly.
Part Number: VMC2ThemeSeriesDL

Price: $290.00 $110.00
A Very Merry Merry Christmas Download CD Bundle Three: Complete Theme Series CDs. 29 CD Downloads of Mark's Theme Series Collection. Offer active until March 31, 2024
Part Number: May2024GiveawaySong

Price: $0.00
Click to receive a special free song. Not only can you get the song but you get the story behind the song as well as the lyrics. It is in appreciation for exploring my site. Please share the song with a friend. There are plenty more songs available on the site...go ahead, explore while you listen to this one. And please take a moment, if you are not on my mailing list, to do so by following the link at the bottom of the page. Thank you in advance.

Part Number: PersonalOriginalSong

Price: $250.00
Let me write and record an original song just for you at this time of your life. Click to explore what is involved.
Part Number: VMC4CompleteCDDL

Price: $610.00 $200.00
A Spirit told me to do it Christmas Sale of the Celestial kind! Download 61 CD titles for the super low price of $ over $400!

This sale goes through March 15, 2024

This is an incredible collection of conscious music that raises vibration and assists you in finding balance. It will serve you in many ways. Give yourself, or a friend, a Christmas gift that will  serve you from now on in expansive ways. Let the songs massage your energy and assist you in remembering your true self. It is time!
Part Number: MSWCMSamplerDL

Price: $0.00
To get the flavor of the wide variety of Mark Stanton Welch's creations, download this 10 song MP3 sampler. Each full length creation is from a separate CD in Mark's expansive catalog. This music sampler CD is free and yours to keep and enjoy and pass around.
Part Number: VMCCompleteMarkCDDLGift

Price: $610.00 $200.00
A Very Merry Christmas Download Bundle Four.  You are giving the caring and powerful gift of all 61 of Mark's Complete CDs to the recipient. Go to the Bundle page for some particulars to insure that they receive it promptly.